Burnaby, B.C. Canada

Enable People Services

We help you with your most important asset

— your people.

Proactively managing your business with the right human resources consultants means you’ll be able handle human resources challenges quickly and with confidence.

People Services Matter

Behind every successful business is an engaged and empowered team.

Creating and supporting highly effective and engaged teams can seem daunting at times – especially when dealing with all the demands that come with leading a complex firm while navigating ever changing business needs. The expertise from a HR consulting firm can lead and support you and your organization.

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Your products and services require consistent quality support and your team’s resilience, reliability and responsiveness are key contributors to your overall success.

Ensuring that you protect your employees’ health and wellbeing has never been more important to employee retention and productivity.

Exhaustion, burnout and quiet quitting are all part of the “post pandemic” narrative these days – all risk factors for increased accidents, declining productivity and low engagement and morale.

“Take care of your employees, and they’ll take care of your business.”

– Richard Branson

According to Gallup research, there are five key elements to employee wellbeing:

  1. Career
  2. Social
  3. Physical
  4. Financial, and
  5. Community

Employees that are thriving in all five of these elements are:

  • 81% less likely to seek out a new employer in the next year
  • 41% less likely to miss work due to poor health
  • 36% more likely to recover fully after illness, injury or hardship, and
  • 27% less likely to have changed jobs in the previous 12 months

You can establish processes and programs to address these key elements with the assistance of a Human Resource consultant.

Assessing your team and implementing the appropriate guidelines and policies with the expertise from a HR Consulting firm will enable your employees to operate safely in an engaging environment.

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Providing the Human Resources consulting you need.

You might be asking yourself…

“Why can’t I find good employees?” or “How can I retain my employees for the long term?”

With rising inflation and a tough “employees” market when it comes to hiring, it has never been more important to engage your employees to bolster retention and protect your business’ most valuable asset.

Managing your business effectively means minimizing the number of new hires and reducing the hiring and training costs of new employees.

Having a dedicated human resource consultant will give you access to people services best practices which help you to:

  • Have a robust recruitment strategy
  • Conduct employee surveys to understand what your employees’ value most
  • Follow a performance-based employee management system
  • Create a succession plan for key positions, and
  • Ensure your policies and procedures are compliant with current federal and provincial legislation.
Other common questions from business leaders include:
  • “My employee is not meeting expectations; I know he is a good employee. What can I do to help?” or,
  • “A worker did not follow procedures and resulted in two errors. What do I do now?”


Because it can be difficult to attract and hire skilled workers, organizations should look inwards to proactively develop programs to coach and mentor employees towards success.

You can enable your employees to thrive and contribute to a successful business with the expertise from a HR Consultant.

An experienced HR consulting firm and their dedicated HR consultants will work with you to develop: 

  • A coaching model and program
  • Individualized performance plans
  • Employee performance reviews

What our clients say about us.

Our Services

Our team of Chartered Professionals in Human Resources consultants (CPHR) is here to support your business mission, vision and goals with personalized solutions.
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Performance Management

Enable your employees to thrive! Performance-based reviews are vital to employee growth and engagement within your organization.

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Recruitment & Talent Acquisition

An optimized hiring strategy ensures that you stay focused on hiring employees that “fit” your organization.

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HR Advisory Services

Our team provides you with solutions and best practices that fit your needs; whether you are scaling up or restructuring.

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Employee Engagement

An engaged workforce leads to reduced turnover and a happier and more productive team.

Why Work With Us

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